Another strength is its single center design that allows uniform desensitization and immunosuppression protocols and sample processing, prospective and consistent HLA antibody monitoring, and long-term and careful patient follow-up
Another strength is its single center design that allows uniform desensitization and immunosuppression protocols and sample processing, prospective and consistent HLA antibody monitoring, and long-term and careful patient follow-up. placement of the line of separation. G = gene expression; Pheno = CyTOF phenotyping.(TIF) pone.0153355.s003.tif (385K) GUID:?FC243131-C4F9-4A86-A369-1BAE97815C3C S1 Table: CyTOF Antibody Immunophenotyping Panel. (DOCX) pone.0153355.s004.docx (98K)…